
Monday, February 15, 2010

Jade Buddha for Universal Peace


A few weekends ago my friend Lupe invited me to the first viewing in the US of the Jade Buddha for Universal Peace.  Boy what an adventure and cultural experience it was!!  The event was held at a Buddhist Temple in Escondido CA. 

Here is some info about the Buddha~

The Jade Buddha

The Jade Buddha for Universal Peace is the largest Buddha carved from gemstone quality jade in the world. The Jade Buddha is 2.7 meters high and sits on an alabaster throne of 1.4 high. The Jade Buddha itself weighs around 4 tons and has been valued at $5 million. This Buddha was chosen because it is universally recognized by all Buddhists.

The purpose of exhibiting the Jade Buddha around the world is for everyone, irrespective of their religion, to take a moment to reflect upon peace; peace for the world; peace in their relationships; peace for their families and friends; peace at work; peace in their mind. We hope that such positive inspiration will bring joy and motivation in the lives of those who are able to see the Jade Buddha.

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We got there around 1:30 and it was packed…..there were thousands of people. 

We roamed around a bit and totally by accident ended up in front of the temple where the procession of monks were going to start on their way up to the Buddha for the ceremony.

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This is the man behind this Peace Buddha project.  What an awesome event to experience so close up!!  This Buddha was at the entrance of the temple grounds.


Things going on around the Temple grounds..

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This is a view of the shrines inside the Temple.  There was so much gold it appeared to be glowing.

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This is as close to the Buddha as we could get during the ceremony.  Its up there under the red roof.


Once the ceremony was over we moved closer and closer…..


Check out the bird on the roof.


Until we were right in front of the Buddha.





As we were leaving I saw this odd statue….


What an experience it was.  There are several more US tour dates and if you get the chance I would go. 


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Its all about the heart……….

Happy Valentines Day


Here are the pages I made for the Saint Valentines with Marie 4x4 book swap at Marie Antoinette Mail Art group.  They are cute little cupid hearts that I put a crochet edging around and placed into a lace pocket.  I will share my book and all the wonderful pages I received soon…


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Young Victoria

This week I have switched from Marie to Victoria.

One of the ladies I met at Silver Bella is hosting an altered book page swap entitled "Young Victoria". So I have been busy in my new studio creating (hmmmm.......mostly a huge mess to clean up) my front & back cover for this swap. I set out to find the perfect book to alter. I knew I could find something at work, as I am the bookkeeper for a 163 unit retirement community and we have book cases full of assorted donated books ~ shhhhhhh....don't tell anyone that I took one that Im actually not going to read and bring back. Next I spent some time at my favorite fabric store - Yardage Town - choosing the perfect trims for my book. This store has the most amazing trims at great prices. Then I went thru all my bins and boxes to find just the right embelishments. So after a couple of nights burning the midnight (actually later than that) oil after work, here is my finished book. Im calling this book "Victoria's Fleurissent le Jardin".......just sounds so much better in french. I guess I just cant get away from the Marie thing.

Here is the front cover. The image is transfered onto muslin with a little padding underneath.

Young Victoria - cover

Here is the back cover. This too is an image that I transfered onto muslin.

Young Victoria - back

Here is the inside awaiting the pages.

Young Victoria - inside

This book was fun to make and I can hardly wait to start receiving pages. If you want to see more pictures you can take a peek at my flickr page here or just click on the pictures. Ok now I'm off to clean up the mess and start on Sue's page. Its cold and rainy outside so this is a great day to stay inside and create!!
