Well it seems I have been
f o r e v e r
Its done except for
weaving in some of the ends
....which can wait a while
you cant see them can you???
HA.......the blue one needs the ends woven in too....I hate that part |
I started looking around the internet
I came across this
crochet along on
Im somewhat of a perfectionist
so I hesitated on making this
because she mentioned that
the ends may become uneven
because of the different stitches
Which means to me a LOT
of counting and paying attention
But I really like the color
and the different stitches
so.....I went thru my yarn
and gathered the colors that
were similar to hers and got started
So this is is how far I got
over the week end
and I am enjoying the process
Its not the colors I normally choose
but I really like it!
To keep track of the stitch count I
put small safety pins
every 20 stitches
As I complete the row
I move them up and this has
worked really well to keep
the stitch count consistent
As I look at the pictures here
Im thinking.....
What have I gotten myself into???